Bachman, J. G., Freedman-Doan, P., O’Malley, P. M. (2000). Youth, work, and military service: Findings from two decades of Monitoring the Future national samples of American youth. (Technical Report). Ann Arbor, MI: Institute for Social Research.
Johnston, L. D., O’Malley, P. M., & Bachman, J. G. (2000). Selected 1991-1999 outcome measures from the Monitoring the Future study for Goal 7 of the National Education Goals: A special report for the National Education Goals Panel. Report commissioned by the National Education Goals Panel.
Johnston, L. D., O’Malley, P. M., & Bachman, J. G. (1999). Selected 1991-1998 outcome measures from the Monitoring the Future study for Goal 7 of the National Education Goals: A special report for the National Education Goals Panel. Report commissioned by the National Education Goals Panel, 9 pp.
Chaloupka, F. J., Pacula, R. L., Farrelly, M. C., Johnston, L. D., O’Malley, P. M., & Bray, J. W. (Feb 1999). Do higher cigarette prices encourage youth to use marijuana? NBER Working Paper No. 6939.
Astor, R. A., Behre, W. J., Wallace, J. M., Jr., & Fravil, K. A. (1998). A national survey on school violence and school social workers: Descriptive results. Social Work.
Johnston, L. D., O’Malley, P. M., & Bachman, J. G. (1998). Outcome measures from the Monitoring the Future Study relevant to Goal 7: Safe, disciplined, and alcohol- and drug-free schools. Report commissioned by the National Education Goals Panel..
Freedman-Doan, P., Bachman, J. G., & O’Malley, P. M. (1998). Is there a gap between soldiers and civilians? Comparing the political attitudes of young recruits with their non-service peers, 1976-1997. (Technical Report). Ann Arbor: Institute for Social Research.
Wallace, J. M., Jr. (1996). Social support systems and drug use among Hispanic adolescents: A brief summary. Report to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Johnston, L. D., O’Malley, P. M., & Bachman, J. G. (1996). Outcome measures from the Monitoring the Future study relevant to Goal 7: Safe, disciplined, and alcohol- and drug-free schools. Report commissioned by the National Education Goals Panel. (These reports have been provided annually since 1992.)